la ilaha illa Llah
(Language: Arabic)
Arabic. “There is no god but God”; see shahadah.
(Language: Arabic)
Glimmers, intuitions.
(Language: Arabic)
Flashes, sudden intuitions.
Lawh al-mahfuz
(Language: Arabic)
Guarded Tablet.
Laylat al-Miraj
(Language: Arabic)
Literally, “Night of the Ascent”; in Islam, the night in which the Prophet Muhammad was miraculously transported to Jerusalem before ascending to the divine Presence; in Sufism, the prototype of the highest station of mystical experience.
Laylat al-Qadr
(Language: Arabic)
Literally, “Night of Power”; the night in the year 610 A.D. during which the Koran descended in its entirety into the heart of the Prophet Muhammad.