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shinjin  Term Image (shinjin) Script Image
(Language:  Japanese)
Alternate Spellings:
Short Description: The term for "true entrusting," which according to Shinran is the primary cause for birth in the Pure Land.
Long Description: The term for "true entrusting," which according to Shinran is the primary cause for birth in the Pure Land. The western term "faith," commonly used to trans­late this term, does not completely express the special meaning given to this Japa­nese word. In Shinran’s view it is the transference or infusion of Amida’s true mind of compassion and wisdom into the person, yielding complete reliance on Amida’s Vow for one’s certainty of birth in the Pure Land. With this assurance of deliverance, recitation of nembutsu or religious practice becomes an expression of gratitude.
Source(s): Living in Amida’s Universal Vow: Essays in Shin Buddhism, by Alfred Bloom
Notes & References:
Script Image
Related Terms:
Provided By: Dictionary of Spiritual Terms