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Pure Land  Term Image (Pure Land) Script Image
(Language:  English)
Alternate Spellings:
Short Description: ‘Land of Immeasurable Light,’ referring not to a place that emanates light, but a realization whenever one is illumined by the light of compassion." (Unno)
Long Description: "Translation from the Chinese ching-t’u (jodo in Japanese). The term as such is not found in Sanskrit, the closest being the phrase ‘purification of the Buddha Land.’ Shinran describes it as the ‘Land of Immeasurable Light,’ referring not to a place that emanates light, but a realization whenever one is illumined by the light of compassion." (Unno)
Source(s): Living in Amida’s Universal Vow: Essays in Shin Buddhism, by Alfred Bloom
Notes & References:
Script Image
Related Terms:
Provided By: Dictionary of Spiritual Terms