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tamas  Term Image (तमस्) Script Image
(Language:  Sanskrit)
Alternate Spellings: tamasic
Short Description: In Hinduism and Buddhism, the lowest of the three cosmic qualities (gunas) that are a result of creation; tamas literally means "darkness" and this cosmic quality or energy is characterized by error, ignorance, heaviness, inertia, etc.
Long Description: In Hinduism and Buddhism, the lowest of the three cosmic qualities (gunas) that are a result of the creation of matter; tamas literally means "darkness" and this cosmic quality or energy is characterized by error, ignorance, heaviness, inertia, etc. Its darkness is related to the gloom of hell. In the Samkhya system of Hindu philosophy, tamas is seen as a form of ignorance (avidya) that lulls the spiritual being away from its true nature.
Notes & References:
Script Image
Related Terms: guna
Provided By: Dictionary of Spiritual Terms